Os satélites


Macau gaming operators are anticipating regulatory fine-tuning for satellite casinos in 2025. This expectation was shared with Bank of America, although the names of the operators were not disclosed.

Following meetings with all six gaming operators, Bank of America revealed that some operators believe the newly introduced “once-a-week” visa policy for Zhuhai residents visiting Macau may eventually be extended to other Mainland cities. This could benefit satellite casinos, allowing them to remain operational beyond 2025.

The current regulatory plan for satellite casinos is temporary. Under this plan, satellite casinos will continue to share gaming revenue with the concessionaires until the end of 2025. After 2025, however, satellite casino operators may be required to transition to management companies, which will no longer be permitted to share in gaming revenue. Instead, they would only receive a management fee.



The Macau government and gaming concessionaires have not yet engaged in discussions with satellite casinos about their future, despite the impending conclusion of a three-year transitional grace period next year under the new gaming law, a satellite venue operator has revealed.

Jay Chun, the co-chairman and managing director of Paradise Entertainment, stated on Tuesday that they hope such discussions can begin “soon”.

Paradise Entertainment oversees Casino Kam Pek on the Macau peninsula under the gaming licence of SJM Holdings. Satellite casinos are establishments operated under the licence of a Macau concessionaire but are managed and promoted by third parties.

“Given the change in the [Macau] government’s term, I believe these discussions will only occur after the new government takes office,” Chun remarked, referring to Sam Hou Fai, who is set to assume office as the city’s new Chief Executive on 20 December, succeeding Ho Iat Seng.

According to the new gaming law, satellite casinos will no longer be allowed to share gaming revenue with concessionaires but will instead receive a management fee. However, the law provides a three-year grace period, ending in 2025, for satellite casino operators to transition to the management company model.

Last month, legislator José Pereira Coutinho raised questions in a written inquiry to the Macau government regarding the future of satellite casinos and the potential for closures, which could affect the jobs of nearly 10,000 local workers.

At present, Macau has 30 casinos, including 11 satellite casinos, nine of which operate under SJM’s licence. Seven satellite casinos closed in 2022 due to the new gaming law and the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking on the sidelines of an event in Macau on Tuesday, Chun expressed optimism that satellite casinos will remain operational beyond the grace period. “We have many employees, and no one wishes for these workers to abruptly lose their jobs,” he said.

“The focus now lies on the [calculation of] management fees,” he continued. “Each [satellite] venue faces unique circumstances. I’m also not sure how these discussions will unfold.”

Meanwhile, the MGS Entertainment Show, an annual casino industry trade exhibition and conference organised by the Macau Gaming Equipment Manufacturers Association (MGEMA) since 2013, will not take place this year.

Chun, who also serves as the chairman of the MGEMA, disclosed on Tuesday that the show will continue, with further details regarding its future to be announced next year.



Macau authorities have revised the land concession for Ponte 16, paving the way for another step in the revitalisation of Casino Macau Palace.

In a Wednesday gazette announcement, it was stated that the land where the Ponte 16 casino resort sits – about 23,066 square metres in the Inner Harbour – will undergo resizing.

A section of it, comprising two plots totaling about 4,160 square metres and three parcels totaling about 265 square metres, will be returned to the government for handling unconditionally.

The size of the land will now be composed of two parcels, one about 9,424 square metres and the other 9,217 square metres.

On top of the existing hotel, a new commercial complex will be constructed.

Other adjustments to the land concession include a premium of MOP459.86 million (US$57.44 million).

This move aims to rejuvenate Pier No. 14 and initiate the relocation of

2,084-square-metre Casino Macau Palace – an obligation SJM Holdings has taken on as part of its contract renewal requirements.



O deputado ligado à Associação de Trabalhadores da Função Pública de Macau alerta para a possibilidade de no próximo ano se assistir a uma onda de desemprego, devido à situação indefinida dos casinos-satélite


Com os acordos entre os casinos-satélite e as concessionárias a terminarem no final do próximo ano, o deputado Pereira Coutinho alertou o Executivo para a possibilidade de haver uma onda de desemprego. A mensagem foi deixada através de uma interpelação escrita, em que o legislador pede soluções ao Executivo.

Quando foram apresentadas as últimas alterações à lei do jogo, antes da renovação das concessões, o Governo tentou acabar com todos os casinos-satélite do território. Estes casinos têm acordos de exploração com as concessionárias, mas são geridos por empresas independentes. No entanto, os trabalhadores nas áreas de jogo estão contratualmente ligados às concessionárias, o que não acontece com trabalhadores de restaurantes, hotéis e lojas nos edifícios desses casinos.

Após várias queixas de deputados, associações e dos responsáveis por estes casinos, o Governo aceitou uma solução de meio-termo. Os casinos satélites foram autorizados a continuar a operar, mas os contratos com as concessionárias tiveram um limite de três anos, que termina no próximo ano.

“Actualmente, falta um ano para o final dos contratos de exploração dos casinos-satélite. Todavia, estima-se que muitos casinos-satélite vão cessar as operações, o que vai afectar as pequenas, médias e micro empresas e possivelmente causar uma onda de encerramentos”, alertou. “Como resultado, um grande número de residentes pode ficar desempregado. Que soluções o Governo tem para este problema?”, questionou.

Tratamentos diferentes

Na interpelação, Coutinho revela também ter recebido queixas de 300 trabalhadores de casinos-satélite que se consideram discriminados. Segundo os relatos apresentados pelo deputado, quando trabalham nos casinos-satélite, os trabalhadores tendem a ter ordenados mais baixos do que quando desempenham funções em casinos explorados pelas entidades patronais.

Além disso, privilégios como folgas e bónus também são diferentes, o que levou o deputado da Associação de Trabalhadores da Função Pública de Macau a considerar que são “trabalhadores de segunda classe”.

Na interpelação consta também que, apesar destes trabalhadores se terem queixado de discriminação à Direcção de Serviços para os Assuntos Laborais, o assunto não foi resolvido. Por isso, Coutinho pergunta ao Governo o que vai fazer para acabar com a discriminação dos trabalhadores dos casinos-satélite.



O deputado Leong Sun Iok pediu ao Governo para explicar se os casinos-satélite vão poder continuar a operar depois do próximo ano. O assunto foi abordado pelo legislador no âmbito do balanço dos trabalhos realizados no ano legislativo 2023/2024, tendo em conta que no final de 2025 chega ao fim o chamado “período de transição”, em que se espera que os casinos-satélites passem a ser explorados directamente pelas concessionárias.

Os casinos-satélites são explorados por entidades independentes, que têm um contrato de exploração com as concessionárias, como acontece com o casino Ponte 16 ou o casino Kam Pek.

De acordo com Leong, o Governo precisa de anunciar uma decisão, para que os trabalhadores se possam preparar para o futuro, que pode passar por procurar um novo emprego, no caso de se gerar mais uma onda de despedimentos no sector do jogo.

Em Março de 2022, quando foi discutida a lei do jogo em vigor e a polémica em torno dos casinos-satélites, devido ao receio de encerramentos forçados, o secretário para a Economia e Finanças, Lei Wai Nong, admitiu que o período poderia ser prolongado, caso se adivinhasse uma onda de despedimentos.

No balanço dos trabalhos legislativas, Ella Lei, Leong Sun Iok, Lam Lon Wai e Lei Chan U defenderam ainda que o Governo deve começar a distribuir cupões aos turistas e aos residentes que participam nos espectáculos organizados pelas concessionárias de jogo, para que haja um aumento do consumo nos bairros comunitários da cidade.



Representatives from the Macau gaming industry have raised concerns regarding the possible shutdowns of satellite casinos, citing their potential impact on local employment.

This issue arises in light of Macau’s new gaming law, which mandates that satellite venues must transition to a management company within three years, with the deadline set for the end of 2025. 

Under the current framework, management companies will not be entitled to share in gaming revenues; instead, they will only receive a management fee from the concessionaire.

In this context, concessionaires may evaluate the costs associated with maintaining satellite casinos, considering the return on investment (ROI), which may eventually lead them to decide to cease the operation of some satellite casinos.

In 2022, seven satellite casinos ceased operations in Macau, a decision made before the Legislative Assembly approved of the new gaming law bill.

On September 19th, the Chief Executive candidate Sam Hou Fai’s campaign office met with a delegation from the Macao Gaming Industry Employees Home and the Macao Gaming Practitioners Volunteers Association. The industry representatives shared insights on the post-pandemic recovery of the gaming sector and the implications of the new law.

According to the press release, during the meeting, the representatives emphasized the crucial role that satellite casinos play in employing thousands of local workers.

The representatives called for the protection of the employment rights of gaming workers and highlighted that providing paid training is vital for the industry’s sustainable development. They urged that employees receive adequate support to adapt to the changing landscape.

The challenges faced by middle-aged and older workers were also significant concerns. The representatives suggested the need for targeted employment protection measures for this demographic.

Additionally, the necessity to enhance responsible gaming measures was underscored, promoting healthy growth in the industry while ensuring the physical and mental well-being of employees.

Sam Hou Fai’s campaign office expressed gratitude for the valuable insights shared by the representatives, committing to continue gathering feedback from various sectors of society to enrich and refine their policy platform.



Macau concessionaire SJM Resorts S.A. said Friday it has revised upwards the maximum amount it can pay to the operating entity of satellite casino L’Arc, and extended by three years the lease of Jai Alai from another entity, due to the steady improvement in business performance seen post-COVID.

Both entities are majority owned by Angela Leong, the Co-Chairman and Executive Director of SJM Resorts parent company SJM Holdings.

In a series of filings, SJM said it has revised upwards the annual cap payable to Leong’s wholly-owned L’Arc Entertainment for services rendered and for allowing the company use of the hotel and casino areas at the peninsula property. In both instances the cap has more than doubled, from HK$351.7 million (US$45 million) to HK$908.3 million (US$116 million) in FY24, and from HK$450.1 million (US$58 million) to HK$960 million (US$123 million) in FY25.



An offshore unit of Macau satellite casino promoter Emperor Entertainment Hotel Ltd is to acquire a 25-storey building in the Central district of Hong Kong from a connected company, for a total consideration of HKD655.2 million (US$83.9 million).

Emperor Entertainment Hotel, which promotes the Grand Emperor Hotel and casino in downtown Macau operated under SJM Holdings Ltd’s gaming licence, said in a Friday filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the deal with a unit of Emperor International Holdings Ltd was to “expand its assets portfolio within the scope of its principal business”.

It added: “Emperor Entertainment Hotel has been engaging in the provision of hospitality services in the past two decades, and currently operates a number of hotels and serviced apartments in Hong Kong and Macau.”


APR24 Legend

Gaming and hotel services firm Macau Legend Development Ltd reported a net loss of nearly HKD4.9 million (US$ 628,497) for full-year 2023, on revenue that rose by 26.7 percent year-on-year, to HKD901.6 million. The loss for 2023 was an improvement on the HKD607.2-million loss recorded in the prior year, according to a Thursday filing.

The company’s costs stood at HKD741.4 million in 2023, down 29.2 percent from the prior year.

The Hong Kong-listed firm has business linked to one casino in Macau – Legend Palace (pictured) – under a so-called services agreement with Macau licensee SJM Holdings Ltd. In 2022, the company was also linked to two other casinos in Macau – Landmark and Babylon.


mar24 PONTE 16

The Deputy Chairman of Macau’s Ponte 16 casino-resort has told Inside Asian Gaming he expects to receive government approvals to proceed with a HK$500 million expansion and upgrade of the property “very soon”.

Speaking at the Macau After Dark event held at Sofitel at Ponte 16 on Tuesday night, Dr Hoffman Ma said the company was keen to get moving on the project, which is to include the development of a new shopping mall and enhancements to existing facilities.

It will also see the creation of a night market and potentially the renovation and relocation of Macau’s decommissioned floating casino alongside Ponte 16, likely as a bar or other non-gaming attraction.

“The most important upcoming plan will be the construction site we have next door [for the mall], Dr Ma said. “We have made our submission to the government and I believe they will be confirming issuing the permit very soon so that we can get moving.



Macau’s Paradise Entertainment Ltd has reported a profit of HK$60.9 million (US$7.8 million) in 2023, reversing a loss of HK$166.3 million (US$21.3 million) a year earlier primarily due to the return of patrons to the peninsula casino it manages: Casino Kam Pek.

In a Tuesday filing, Paradise said the improved results came on the back of a 113% increase in group-wide revenue to HK$634.3 million (US$81.1 million) in 2023, of which HK$564.8 million (US$72.2 million) came from the provision of casino management services at Kam Pek. The casino, operated under the casino under the concession of SJM Resorts S.A, ran 24 traditional gaming tables, 10 Live Multi-Game (LMG) tables, 860 LMG terminals and 96 slot machines on average in 2023.

Revenue from the sale of electronic gaming equipment and systems, which includes the LMG set-up, increased from HK$3.5 million (US$447,000 million) in 2022 to HK$53.6 million (US$6.9 million) in 2023, although revenue from the leasing of such systems declined slightly to HK$3.24 million (US$414,000). Paradise said it sold 260 LMG terminals in 2023 compared with none the year before.

Group-wide Adjusted EBITDA of HK$162.8 million (US$20.8 million) reversed an Adjusted EBITDA a loss of HK$38.0 million (US$4.9 million) for the year ended 31 December 2022.



A long-anticipated extension to Ponte 16, a casino-hotel complex (pictured) overlooking Macau’s Inner Harbour, is likely to involve investment of “HKD500 million [US$63.9 million] to HKD600 million”, reported Hong Kong-based Chinese-language newspaper Ming Pao, citing Hoffman Ma Ho Man.

Mr Ma is deputy chairman of Hong Kong-listed Success Universe Group Ltd, an investor in Ponte 16. The Ponte 16 extension project, referred to by the company as “Phase 3”, would include a shopping mall and an open-air “plaza”, Mr Ma had mentioned to GGRAsia last year.

Macau casino concessionaire SJM Holdings Ltd supplies the gaming licence for Ponte 16, and also controls an effective 51 percent interest in Pier 16 – Property Development Ltd, the entity that operates the Ponte 16 complex. The remaining 49-percent is controlled by Success Universe.

Speaking at a Hong Kong media gathering on Tuesday, Mr Ma said the Ponte 16 Phase 3 plan had been submitted to the Macau government for approval.



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