Diversificação - concertos e eventos


Macau deve fazer “algo ousado”; trazer eventos desportivos e de entretenimento verdadeiramente únicos e “nas bocas do mundo”. Especialista em marketing, e presidente da Associação Internacional das Indústrias Culturais e Desportivas de Macau, Patrícia Cheong aponta Las Vegas como modelo para se transformar: do jogo para o entretenimento

Patrícia Cheong – Como todos sabemos, Macau sempre teve limitações relativamente aos espaços. Temos eventos desportivos bastante bons, em escala eventos pequena ou média, mas precisamos de ser muito seletivos sobre os eventos que realizamos. Se quisermos algo maior, ou com padrões internacionais, então, claro, temos limitações. Por exemplo, não temos um estádio de nível internacional; logo é bem bastante óbvio que estamos bastante limitados para eventos desportivos.

– A Nave Desportiva dos Jogos da Ásia Oriental continua a ser mal explorada?

P.C. – Não a temos utilizado – e não entendo; mas também ouvi muitos especialistas de fora que disseram que o Estádio da Taipa, bem como a Nave Desportiva dos Jogos da Ásia Oriental, não estão ao nível de outros recintos internacionais. Mesmo que quiséssemos ter clubes de futebol de topo – desporto tão popular em Macau – não teriam confiança em vir. Não faz sentido numa cidade com tantos recursos financeiros como Macau. A curto e médio prazo temos definitivamente de planear a renovação dos recintos existentes.

O entretenimento será uma área de competição para todos os destinos turísticos e acho que estamos parados

– Deveria haver mais espetáculos residentes, como em Las Vegas?

P.C. – Sim; é exatamente o modelo de Las Vegas. Depende do tipo de residência que estamos a falar; uns duram 20 anos, outros apenas cinco. Mas, sem dúvida, deveríamos ter mais. Desse modo, quando as pessoas perguntarem o que podem fazer em Macau, temos espetáculos de referência que podemos mencionar. Felizmente, o The House of Dancing Water vai regressar, mas precisamos de mais. O aspeto único dos espetáculos residentes é muito atrativo. O Studio City tem tentado um modelo de semi-residência, que funciona, mas não é perfeito. Assinaram por exemplo com a cantora pop Joey Young; uma grande artista, mas se atuar umas três vezes talvez não consiga vender tantos bilhetes. Acho que as pessoas se habituam. Os espetáculos residentes precisam oferecer algo original e único, como o The House of Dancing Water; já no caso dos concertos, as pessoas podem ver os artistas noutro lugar. Todos querem criar algo único que possa durar mais.



The Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) has expressed hope that the three festivals scheduled for this month will help promote the so-called “night economy.”

The celebrations, organized by various communities and held in different areas of the city, have received financial support through MGTO’s program aimed at encouraging local associations to undertake diverse tourism activities or projects to boost the local economy.

The three events are the 1st Macao Vegetarian Carnival, the Thailand Cultural Festival, and the Luminescent Night at Travessa do Armazém Velho. These festivals promise to showcase Macau’s diverse offerings and vibrant nightlife.

Starting today and running until Dec. 10, the first edition of the Vegetarian Carnival will offer five days of vegetarian food along with cultural and artistic performances, cultural lectures, product sales, game stalls, photo opportunities, and a lantern ceremony to commemorate Macau’s handover. The carnival is being held at the Legend Boulevard of the Fisherman’s Wharf.



A recent study by researchers from Shenzhen Tourism College of Jinan University reveals a significant shift in Macau’s tourism landscape.

The city, known primarily as a gambling hub, is now emerging as a diverse destination for art, fashion, cuisine, and more, as its hotel industry’s reputation-building power diminishes.

The study, conducted by Zhang Gaojun, Shi Biyang, Li Mengying, and Zhang Zheng, analyzed social media discourse to track changes in Macau’s destination image from 2015 to 2019, as well as from 2023 to the present.

The findings suggest that Macau’s stereotypical reputation as a gambling hub is no longer conducive to the diversified development of Macau’s tourism industry.



As Macau seeks to pivot away from its dependence on gaming, a broad spectrum of business leaders are voicing concerns about the pace and effectiveness of diversification efforts.

While the casino industry continues to contribute heavily to the economy, voices across various chambers of commerce emphasize the need to embrace new industries, attract skilled professionals, and streamline governmental processes to unlock potential.

This topic was explored during the latest edition of the MBtv Debates Business Series, titled “Macau SAR at 25 and Beyond – Taking the Pulse of the City’s Economy”, held at the Rui Cunha Foundation, which brought together for the first time, the heads of several chambers of commerce representing different countries.



Casino operator Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd “lost circa 40 basis points” quarter-on-quarter to 18.7 percent, in terms of share of gross gaming revenue (GGR) in the Macau market, suggested a Thursday note from Seaport Research Partners.

The casino firm will in likelihood gain market share in Macau in the final quarter this year, suggested Seaport.

The Golden Week holiday period at the start of October “was strong in the market, and Galaxy [Entertainment] in particular, with mass drop up over 50 percent year-on-year and property visitation at Galaxy Macau nearly doubling,” noted Mr Umansky.

Galaxy [Entertainment]‘s competitive advantage at Galaxy Macau remains its entertainment/event offerings, scale, service, and product offering. Large music performances drive outsized business with the fourth-quarter schedule supporting Galaxy Macau share gains,” he stated.

The analyst added: “With a re-focused marketing effort and smart digital tables up and running before Chinese New Year, we expect share gains to continue at Galaxy Macau over the next few quarters and into 2025.”


A temporary outdoor performance venue with capacity for 50,000 people is to be built in Cotai, just beside SJM Holdings Ltd’s Grand Lisboa Palace (GLP) casino resort.

The 94,000-square-metre (1.01-million-sq-feet) venue (pictured in a rendering) will be located at the intersection of Avenida do Aeroporto and Rua de Ténis in Cotai, according to a government announcement on Monday.

Currently, several public services are conducting preparatory work at the site, and a public tender will take place before construction starts. The venue is scheduled to open in 2025.

“The construction of this [open-air] venue will create good conditions for large-scale outdoor shows to be held in Macau, in order to attract international-level performances to the city,” stated the Cultural Affairs Bureau in a press release.

The purpose-built venue will have all the necessary “basic facilities and complementary equipment to receive large-scale performances,” added the announcement.



O Governo da RAEM assegura que irá promover o desenvolvimento contínuo das áreas cultural e desportiva em 2024. Uma das acções importantes é solicitar o apoio do Governo Central para a realização de eventos artísticos, com vista a tornar Macau numa “Cidade do Espectáculo de ‘Uma Base’”.

Segundo o relatório das Linhas de Acção Governativa, serão desenvolvidos produtos e serviços de experiência de turismo cultural que correspondam às necessidades do mercado, bem como alargada a plataforma de comercialização de produtos culturais criativos.

Neste aspecto, haverá planos de apoio financeiro para a produção de obras cinematográficas e televisivas, exposições e espectáculos culturais, bem como a projectos sobre turismo cultural local.



Live concerts held in Macau continue to boost the city’s gaming revenue, as Citigroup’s Table Survey indicates. The survey shows that the average wager per player in the premium mass segment increased by 37 percent compared to November 2019, reaching HK$22,251 ($2,856).

According to Citigroup’s latest investment memo, the research team has observed enthusiastic shoppers queuing up at Chanel and Hermes. ‘We think these strong data points are a testament to the still resilient luxury spending behaviors by mainland Chinese visitors.’

‘The right concerts, such as Galaxy hosting mandopop group Teens in Times at Galaxy Arena and Sands hosting Westlife at Londoner, also seem to be propelling Macau’s gaming volumes to a higher level.’



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