
Showing posts from November, 2023

Diversificação - concertos e eventos

jan25 Macau deve fazer “algo ousado”; trazer eventos desportivos e de entretenimento verdadeiramente únicos e “nas bocas do mundo”. Especialista em marketing, e presidente da Associação Internacional das Indústrias Culturais e Desportivas de Macau, Patrícia Cheong aponta Las Vegas como modelo para se transformar: do jogo para o entretenimento Patrícia Cheong  – Como todos sabemos, Macau sempre teve limitações relativamente aos espaços. Temos  eventos  desportivos bastante bons, em escala eventos pequena ou média, mas precisamos de ser muito seletivos sobre os eventos que realizamos. Se quisermos algo maior, ou com padrões internacionais, então, claro, temos limitações. Por exemplo, não temos um estádio de nível internacional; logo é bem bastante óbvio que estamos bastante limitados para eventos desportivos. – A Nave   Desportiva dos Jogos   da   Ásia   Oriental continua a ser mal explorada? P.C.  – Não a temos utilizado – e não entendo; mas também...

a framework to assess gaming operators’ social responsibility performance CSR

xdez23 The gaming concessionaires have been complying with the investment plans and social responsibility commitments stipulated in the contracts, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) said in a reply to a written question put forth by lawmaker Leong Sun Iok, public broadcaster TDM reported. The reply penned by DICJ director Adriano Marques Ho states that gaming companies have been carrying out social responsibility activities specified in the concession contracts in areas such as culture, sports, scientific research, and support for local SMEs. “It has been found that concessionaires are orderly carrying out and implementing various investment plans according to the approved arrangements,” the gaming watchdog stresses. In his written query, Leong Sun Iok noted that under the new gaming law, one of the criteria for concession relates to the social responsibilities to be assumed by the gaming operators, with the respective content clearly defined.  https://www.macaubu...

"How would you spend a trillion patacas? "

 nov23 In other words, the government will make a massive sum from concessionaires in the next 10 years: 1,120 billion patacas (US$139 billion) in gaming taxes which is not often talked about, plus the much talked about 130 billion patacas in non-gaming spending commitment, for a combined total of 1.250 trillion patacas (US$152 billion). Let’s put that in numbers: 1,250,000,000,000. That’s 1.83 million patacas for every person in Macao. It’s more than the amount  spent on 1,800 projects  under China’s signature Belt and Road Initiative. It’s bigger than the size of the  entire global food delivery market . As a statistician, I’m used to dealing with large numbers – especially when working in the gaming industry. In Vegas, millions were usually the largest units when it came to describing monthly revenues or visitors. When I came to Macao in 2006, using billions became commonplace, for talking about rolling volumes in VIP gaming, or monthly casino revenues. But the co...