Apoios da China


 27 de maio, 8 cidades chinesas serão adicionadas ao esquema de visita individual (IVS, na sigla em inglês), permitindo que os seus cidadãos viajem para Macau e Hong Kong sem ter de integrar grupos turísticos. São estas Harbin, Taiyuan, Hohhot, Lhasa, Lanzhou, Xining, Yinchuan e Urumqi, todas capitais de províncias no norte ou noroeste da China, com população superior a 33 milhões. Sendo assim, o número de cidades abrangidas pelo IVS passa para 59, totalizando 490 milhões de potenciais turistas.

Andy Wu, presidente da Associação da Indústria do Turismo de Macau, diz ao PLATAFORMA que a nova política muda tudo. Em meados de abril, o Chefe do Executivo, Ho Iat Seng, previu de forma conservadora cerca de 30 milhões de visitantes em 2024, uma vez que Macau recebera 28.3 milhões de visitantes em 2023. Mas Andy Wu diz que a projeção agora deve ser aumentada, visto que não contava com esta iniciativa do Governo Central.

A adição de Xi’an e Qingdao ao IVS, em março deste ano, foi a primeira expansão desde 2006, de acordo com uma análise feita pelo banco de investimento Citigroup. Com base nas suas estimativas, só essa expansão trará 565 mil visitantes adicionais a Macau por ano.



Umansky highlights the recent expansion of the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) as a crucial development. ‘The IVS expansion, now covering 59 mainland Chinese cities, marks a significant step forward in facilitating travel for mid and high-end visitors,’ he notes.

Moving away from the group visa scheme, this expansion simplifies the entry process, rendering Macau more accessible to a broader spectrum of travelers. Umansky emphasizes the flexibility afforded by IVS visas, which permit single entry with options for three-month or one-year validity, enabling visitors to return to Macau as desired.

In addition to visa reforms, Umansky points to the recent visit of Xia Baolong, Director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the Central Government, as a testament to China’s commitment to bolstering ties with Macau. Despite initial concerns about its potential impact on gross gaming revenue (GGR), historical data suggests that past visits have not led to abnormal fluctuations in GGR.



China’s State Council has added eight more mainland cities to the list of places where people can apply for Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) exit visas to travel to Macau and Hong Kong.

The information was confirmed on Saturday by the country’s National Immigration Administration, and takes the number of IVS-eligible places to 59, from 51 previously. The change takes effect from May 27.

The newly-added cities are all capitals either of provinces of autonomous regions, namely: Taiyuan in Shanxi Province; Hohhot in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; Harbin in Heilongjiang Province; Lhasa in Tibet Autonomous Region; Lanzhou in Gansu Province; Xining in Qinghai Province; Yinchuan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; and Urumqi in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.



In another investment memo by JP Morgan, analysts describe the relaxation measures as a ‘surprise gift from the Motherland’, suggesting the policy shows that the Chinese government views Macau as the preferred gaming destination.

JP Morgan indicates that the news, alongside the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) expansion news two months ago, suggests the Chinese mainland is ‘fully supportive’ of Macau’s economy and travel/leisure industry.

‘This shows a stark contrast to China’s rising scrutiny on cross-border gambling this year, such as government warnings on gambling in Singapore, South Korea, and Sri Lanka, or crackdowns on illegal gambling in the Philippines and Cambodia, or online gambling.’

In this context, the analysts interpret that the series of news indicates that China’s government views Macau as the obvious and relatively preferred destination when it comes to gambling, and ‘we wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese gambling demand will be increasingly “ring-fenced” around Macau.’




The possibility of a fresh fiscal stimulus package by authorities in mainland China could help push up the valuations of Macau casino stocks. That is according to a note from U.S.-based brokerage CBRE Securities LLC.

“In the current environment, confidence in economic conditions will likely continue to be a greater driver of Macau gaming equity price performance rather than fundamentals,” wrote analysts John DeCree and Max Marsh in a Thursday memo.

They added: “With that in mind, any economic stimulus in China would be a meaningful catalyst for Macau casino stocks, which we expect would outperform the Hang Seng [Index in Hong Kong] on the way back up.”



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