Criticas à lei e ao governo (elogios)


Macau’s new gaming law “will be felt much sooner”, says study

The strategic and operational implications in light of the new gaming law will be felt much sooner, despite Macau’s economic diversification plan requiring some time to take shape, and the regulatory and industry-wide changes will gradually be compounded into substantial differences over the next decade and beyond, says a research report.


~JO: Also, to give the casino gaming operators the possibility of entering many other sectors of Macau’s economy, deepening even more the dependence of Macau’s economic tissue from the casino gaming sector is a questionable strategy. It certainly does not help as regards the creation of local critical mass in other fields of the economy. Given the huge influence that Macau casino concessionaires (half of which have their mother-companies in the US) will have in Macau’s economy within a decade, let us hope that the Macau Government made this political choice in strict articulation with China’s Central Government.

JO: The fact that such unnecessary opacity surrounds the greatest innovation underlying this tender is hardly understandable. The Macau Government certainly wants the Macau residents to know about the non-gaming investments that are going to change Macau’s economy. At a time where China’s Central Government reiterates statements on efforts to improve government transparency in China, the Macau Government seems to move in the opposite direction. Let us hope this is but a delay and that the Macau Government publicises the non-gaming “investments” in the order of dozens of billions. And the Substantiated Report.


In an interview with IAG, Eilo Wing-Yat Yu, associate professor of the Department of Government and Public Administration of the University of Macau, said, “From the news, the government is a bit out of touch with the actual situation, and it shows that there is confusion in the government’s thinking.”

Among other things, since Macau has followed China’s zero-COVID policy, it is still unknown when Macau will be opened up to the outside world, yet the government is asking the new concessionaires to develop foreign markets.

“Although the Chief Executive has pointed out that it is a long-term goal to attract foreign visitors, the government has not given a clear indication of when it will reopen the city but has asked the concessionaires to increase the amount of investment,” said Eilo Yu. “This will make investors doubt whether the increased investment can yield a return.

“The government’s request is clearly out of step with the actual situation as the bidding companies are not expecting too much return on their investment in an uncertain economic environment.”


A “channel check” by Credit Suisse (Hong Kong) Ltd indicates that the Macau gaming-concessions public tender process “is not as straightforward as expected,” with the “government demanding much more non-gaming investment” from the bidders.

According to the memo, the Macau government has “banned some ideas” put forward by the bidders, and “requested a much higher investment into non-gaming” as part of the new gaming concessions.

“The government also regarded certain planned expansion of existing projects as part of the prior licence commitment, and is looking for something more in this rebidding,” added the Credit Suisse team. “Besides investment amount, the operators also need to provide a clear spending timetable.”

O processo do concurso público para atribuição das próximas concessões do jogo em Macau não tem decorrido de forma “tão simples como se esperava”, uma vez que o Governo está a “exigir muito mais investimento não relacionado com o jogo” às empresas candidatas, revelou o Credit Suisse, citando fontes conhecedoras das negociações.

“Após as apresentações iniciais em meados de Setembro, as operadoras tiveram outra reunião com o governo de Macau na última semana de Setembro para analisar individualmente as propostas”, porém, as negociações evidenciaram algumas disparidades entre os planos submetidos e as metas traçadas pelas autoridades, de acordo com o relatório do banco de investimento, elaborado por Kenneth Fong, Lok Kan Chan e Sardonna Fong. Sem adiantar pormenores, os três analistas garantem, inclusive, que o Executivo da RAEM “baniu algumas ideias” apresentadas pelos concorrentes.


An absence of information on what weight the Macau government will give to its stated criteria when assessing the applicants for its gaming-concessions public tender “can cast a shadow” over the process, says Macau-based lawyer António Lobo Vilela.

The Macau authorities have said they hope to start six fresh, 10-year concessions in January 2023.

Mr Vilela was a senior legal advisor to the first gaming tender to be instituted by the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR), in 2001. For a number of years up to the end of 2020 he was a senior advisor to the city’s Secretary for Economy and Finance, the official who oversees the city’s casino industry.

In an opinion article in the October edition of Macau Business magazine, Mr Vilela states that – due to the fact there are seven applicants for only six concessions in the fresh tender process – there was room for the “serious possibility” that an unsuccessful applicant would seek judicial review in Macau’s Court of Second Instance, regarding the tender outcome.

Embora já estejam em curso as negociações com as empresas candidatas, “o Governo de Macau não considerou adequado definir o ‘coeficiente de ponderação e o mecanismo de cálculo’”, antes do início dessa fase do processo, lamentou o especialista, sugerindo que a decisão final poderá acabar por ser contestada na justiça, desde logo porque há sete candidatos a seis licenças


While discussing the capacity of the SAR to follow through with the government goals of diversifying its non-gaming segments and expanding its number of non-mainland visitors, Umansky considered the notion that Macau could turn into an international destination as “unrealistic in the short to medium turn”.

“It is probably unrealistic in the longer term as well unless the Macau infrastructure or economy is somehow completely transformed, which is not a two or three-year process.

Under Macau’s updated regulatory framework for gaming, the Chief Executive will have the discretion to reduce tax payable on casino gross gaming revenue as an incentive for operators to bring in more customers from overseas.


Bernstein MD & senior analyst, Vitaly Umansky, commented that Macau as a MICE destination is a “ridiculous idea.”

Comparing the Las Vegas model of MICE the senior analyst noted: “You will need 100,000 hotel rooms at least. Las Vegas has 150,000 hotel rooms with 90% occupancy, world-class airport connectivity to all cities in the US and international destinations, which is 10 minutes from the LV Strip, and LV is comparatively affordable. To establish similar facilities in Macau is not going to be easy and feasible.”


Numa videoconferência organizada pela Câmara do Comércio França-Macau (FMCC) e pela Macau Business realizada ontem intitulada “Macau Gaming at Crossroads: The Public Tender and Beyond”, os três analistas convidados consideraram que os pedidos que o Governo fez às novas concessionárias “não fazem sentido”.


The Macau government should take a more active role in diversifying the offerings of the city than simply relying on gaming operators to do so, a G2E Asia 2022 panel heard today (Thursday).

On the second day of G2E Asia 2022 Special Edition: Singapore, a three-day gaming industry trade show held for the first time in the Southeast Asian country, a panel session, titled “Transforming Macau”, took place, in which gaming executives and market observers discussed the outlook of the Macau gaming market.

One of the topics addressed in the panel today was the recently-launched public tender for up to six 10-year gaming concessions in Macau that will begin in the start of 2023, as the current six gaming concessions and subconcessions will expire by the end of this year. The tender process, which runs until September 14, requests potential bidders to submit proposals explaining how they will attract overseas gamblers and tourists for Macau, and come up with non-gaming offerings from MICE and gastronomy to sports and health tourism.


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