Regras do concurso publico (a partir de 5 de julho)
The Macau SAR Government has asked the seven companies bidding for a new 10-year gaming concession from 2023 to increase their proposed levels of investment, according to a report from TDM Portuguese Radio. This, the station said, came as the bidding parties completed negotiations with the government and submitted their final proposals this week.
It is also said that the preliminary results of the tender committee will be announced shortly, possibly as early as this week.
The undeveloped land plots 7 and 8 in Cotai, previously held by gaming concessionaire Sands China, will be included in future land auctions for non-gaming developments, Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng indicated, TDM TV reported.
After the National Day ceremonies, Ho confirmed that the SAR government will hold auctions to award the development of four residential land plots, the first land auction since 2008.
The Macau government has set the maximum number of gaming tables across all casinos at 6,000 and the maximum number of gaming machines at 12,000, effective starting from the start of 2023, according to an executive order of Chief Executive published in the Official Gazette today (Friday).
In another CE order also published in the Official Gazette today, the government sets the minimum annual gaming revenue generated by each gaming table at MOP7 million (US$875,000), and the minimum annual gaming revenue generated by each gaming machine at MOP300,000.
These minimum requirements will also be effective starting from the beginning of 2023, the dispatch said.
The new gaming law, approved and implemented in late June, gives powers to the Chief Executive to determine the maximum number of gaming tables and gaming machines to be operated in the city, as well as the minimum amount of the revenue to be generated by each table and machine.
O presidente da Associação de Indústria Turística considera que uma das soluções para as concessionárias de jogo atraírem clientes estrangeiros passa pela colaboração com companhias aéreas para que sejam lançados mais voos internacionais com preços acessíveis. Ainda assim, Andy Wu alertou que há “riscos” para os hotéis e restaurantes de pequena e média dimensão A “expansão dos mercados de clientes de países estrangeiros” faz parte dos principais critérios na apreciação das propostas no concurso do jogo que está a decorrer até 14 de Setembro. A Lei do Jogo revista prevê a redução ou isenção às concessionárias no pagamento das contribuições de 5% das receitas brutas do jogo, por razões de interesse público, nomeadamente por expansão dos mercados dos clientes de países estrangeiros.
O presidente da Casa dos Trabalhadores da Indústria de Jogo, Leong Sun Iok, espera que o Governo reforce a avaliação das responsabilidades sociais na apreciação das propostas de candidatura às licenças de jogo. O também deputado aponta sobretudo questões ligadas ao desenvolvimento profissional, ambiente de trabalho, e remunerações e benefícios dos trabalhadores do sector
Extraordinary Macau concession RFP requirements seem out of touch with business reality, burdening concessionaires already on their knees from COVID-zero
Bidders for Macao’s six gaming concessions have been told to focus their proposals on the development of medical and coastal tourism products and services, public broadcaster TDM-Rádio Macau reported yesterday.
The government is also requesting bidders to say how they plan to support scientific innovation and technology in Macao as well as how they plan to promote local gastronomy and community tourism.
The bidding process, which began on Friday, will end on 14 September. The government’s Gaming Public Tender Committee announced the bidding process on Thursday.
The government requested the bidders to focus on non-gaming investment plans. Their bids are also expected to include plans for bringing international entertainment stars to perform in Macao and to promote international music, singing and film festivals and contests in the city.
Bidders must also submit concrete plans for the construction of thematic museums, art galleries and theatres, as well as the development of the local television sector and the staging of world-class literary and art festivals.
He added the new round of bidding will last for 48 days compared with 33 days two decades ago, providing “enough time” for the preparation of would-be bidders.
In regards to “satellite casinos”—gaming venues that are run and owned by third parties under the concessions of the existing operators—the official said in the press conference these gaming facilities do not have to be reverted back to the government by the end of this year as they are not owned by the existing gaming operators.
That said, analysts at J.P. Morgan said they still expected that the six incumbent operators in Macau will emerge as the victors for the new licenses.
The analysts said the main surprise for them in the tender document was the speed of the timing, which comes just 14 days after the enactment of the new Gaming Law.
“This, in our view suggests the government’s eagerness to finish the renewal process within the year,” it said. “We expect the six winners to be announced in early November.”
The concession contracts all expired at the end of June, although the government has permitted a six-month extension until the end of December to allow more time for the retender process. All six were required to pay a fee of just under $6 million to extend and to offer a bank guarantee to cover potential employee liabilities if they fail to win a concession.
Ben Lee, managing partner of IGamiX Management & Consulting, said the tender rules are short on detail and “don’t leave us any the wiser.”
In particular, the government has not stipulated minimum levels of investment for the development of non-gaming amenities, or overall investment levels.
It has also left it up to the concessionaires to suggest the “variable part of the premium,” although it’s unclear what this means.
Foi publicado ontem em Boletim Oficial o regulamento do concurso público para a atribuição de concessões para a exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar em casino. O documento prevê que sejam admitidas, pelo menos, mais duas concorrentes seleccionadas à fase de consulta do concurso público.
“Salvo despacho em contrário pelo Chefe do Executivo, nomeadamente no despacho de abertura do concurso, devem ser admitidas, pelo menos, mais duas concorrentes seleccionadas à fase de consulta, com base no número de concessões postas a concurso”, pode ler-se no regulamento. Segundo a nova lei do jogo, o número máximo de concessionárias é de seis.
The fresh public tender can either follow the normal procedure of open call for bids or a restricted tender procedure with prior qualification. In the latter case, the regulation suggests that at least eight bidders should be entertained were the government to grant six gaming concessions, but the actual number is up to the city’s leader.
It says that – unless otherwise decided by the Chief Executive – at least two more selected bidders must be admitted to the consultation phase of a restricted public tender, based on the number of concessions put out to tender. If such number is not met, the government may invite other companies to bid.
The Macao Government on Tuesday published the rules for the re-tendering of Macau gaming licenses, which covers details of the bidding for gaming concessions, the qualifications of bidding companies and the criteria for granting them.
The regulations mention that the government’s award criteria will pay close attention to the bidding companies’ plans to develop foreign tourist markets, the benefits brought by gaming and non-gaming investments to Macau, and the corporate social responsibilities they undertake.
The full name of the regulation is Administrative Regulation No. 28/2022 – Amendment of Administrative Regulation No. 26/2001 “Regulating the open bidding and granting contracts for casino lucky betting operations, and the appropriateness of bidding companies and approving companies, eligibility and financial requirements.”
The rules, published in Traditional Chinese and Portuguese, follow the passing of Macau’s amended gaming law last month.
Some of the criteria for the tender process listed in the rules are:
1) The amount of the variable part of the proposed premium;
2) The plans aimed at expanding the markets of customers from foreign countries
3) Experience in operating games of chance in casino or related areas;
4) The interest to the region from investments in gaming and non-gaming related projects
5) The casino management plan;
6) The proposed supervision and prevention of illicit activities in casinos;
7) Corporate social responsibilities concessionaires intend to assume.
The original rules plus amendments comprise tens of thousands of words. IAG will be analyzing the rules in the coming hours and days and will publish more detailed analysis in the days ahead.
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