O que dizem os deputados


Pereira Coutinho considera que as cedências que estão a ser feitas na nova lei do jogo mostram que o Governo não foi capaz de ouvir a sociedade e o sector. No entanto, o deputado alerta para o facto de as alterações serem irrelevantes, caso não haja divisão de lucros nos mesmos moldes da actual lei.


New details of the amendment to the Gaming Law were disclosed at the Macau Legislative Assembly (AL) meeting on Tuesday 17 May, including a proposal that should any concessionaire be suspended from operating for one month to one year due to non-compliance, the dismissal of an employee is to be treated as dismissal without cause.

Chairman of the Second Standing Committee of the AL, Chan Chak Mo, revealed at a press conference that the government had added provisions to the new law, including the rule around employee dismissal.

The bill also provides that the Chief Executive may unilaterally terminate the contract of a concessionaire without any compensation under certain circumstances, such as endangering the security of the state or the Macau SAR. In determining whether the contract of the concessionaires should be terminated without any compensation, the government shall consider the seriousness, the extent of the violation, the unlawful benefit obtained or other circumstances



The local government will allow exceptional adjustments to the official requirements for the minimum annual receipts of each gaming table and slot machine in the city’s casinos, lawmaker-cum-restaurateur Andrew Chan Chak Mo has revealed.

Chan spoke out following yesterday’s closed-door meeting of the 2nd Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly about the revision of a government-drafted amendment bill on reshaping the local gaming industry. 



Macau legislators are to ask the city’s government to clarify the proposed crime of “illegal taking of deposits” in the context of the long-standing and well-recognised activity of obtaining money from the general public by either gaming-industry related “management companies”, junket operators, or the “collaborators” of junkets, according to Tuesday comments by veteran legislator Chan Chak Mo.

Such proposed crime is part of a consolidating bill - “Regime for the exploitation of games of chance” – that covers licensing and regulatory matters for those three types of entities serving the gaming industry.



RON LAM (voto contra satélites)

R.L.- A minha intenção nesse dia não era votar contra, porque na verdade anova legislação é muito mais completa do que a anterior. Mas vendo que o Governo não tomou em consideração o número de casinos-satélite, como é que pode ser possível discutir as contramedidas? O encerramento de várias salas VIP já teve um impacto gigantesco no mercado de trabalho. Enquanto membro da Assembleia, e sob os olhos de toda a população, seria impossível para mim aceitar que o Governo ignorasse as figuras destes casinos-satélite durante o processo legislativo. Devo reiterar que sempre que o Governo Central salienta as funções da Assembleia Legislativa, afirmam que devemos representar a população no escrutínio ao Executivo. No que diz respeito às leis do jogo, é óbvio que como representante dos residentes devo avaliar se houve ou não uma preparação devida desta legislação. https://www.plataformamedia.com/2022/03/18/executivo-da-raem-deve-considerar-melhorar-a-relacao-com-a-assembleia/



The Macau government is minded to insist on an override of normal rules of limited liability applicable for Macau firms incorporated in that way – when it comes to Macau gaming concession companies that might be unsuccessful in getting new casino rights under a fresh public tender. (...) The topic of the extent of liability for any companies unsuccessful in gaining a new tender, is part of Article 50 of the draft bill, which deals with concession dissolution. Among other things, the article says that in the event of an unsuccessful tender, and regarding such a concession entity, people that are either shareholders with 5 percent or more; directors; or on a management body of a gaming concessionaire, must bear all the firm’s liabilities, including guaranteeing all gaming chips in circulation. A number of commentators had mentioned to GGRAsia that such an approach would be a departure from normal obligations for limited-liability firms in the Macau commercial sector, and a departure from the Macau Commercial Code.



The President of the Standing Committee of Macau’s Legislative Assembly (AL), Chan Chak Mo, revealed Tuesday that discussions on the first draft of the gaming law had now been completed with the government to submit the second draft to the Committee in April.

The General Assembly of the AL has promised to pass the amended gaming law before 26 June 2022, which will allow sufficient time for the government to run its re-tendering process in the second half of this year.

The final day of discussions on the first draft included confirmation that the three-year grace period for satellite casinos in Macau would begin from the effective date of new gaming licenses, meaning the countdown isn’t likely to start until early next year.

“The government confirmed at the meeting that the starting date of the satellite casinos’ grace period will start from the effective date of the new gaming contract signed by the new concessionaires,” Chan said.


The Macau SAR government will consider increasing the proposed three-year transitional period granted to concessionaires to resolve the ‘ownership’ issue surrounding ‘satellite casinos’, according to the Legislative Assembly committee currently evaluating the future gaming law said today (Tuesday). The draft bill, unveiled in January, proposes any casino operating in the city must be established in the assets “owned” by gaming concessionaires. A grace period of three years will be given to gaming concessionaires following the implementation of the revised law to tackle the situation if they have established casinos in the assets owned by other parties. https://www.macaubusiness.com/govt-to-consider-possible-increase-grace-period-for-satellite-casino-transition-commission/


Aceitando as opiniões de deputados e operadoras de casinos, o Governo irá fazer uma alteração à proposta de revisão da lei do jogo, recuando na intenção de impor a dissolução de actuais concessionárias que não conquistem licenças no novo concurso. Na nova versão do diploma, essas empresas poderão alterar o seu âmbito operacional, deixando de abranger o jogo, mantendo assim os hotéis e outros equipamentos extrajogo. Além disso, o Executivo afirmou que vai aperfeiçoar a proposta, esclarecendo que a rescisão da concessão só implicará a reversão gratuita para a RAEM dos casinos, excluindo desse âmbito as unidades hoteleiras. Por outro lado, afastou ainda um cenário de “rescisão imediata” por incumprimento das obrigações da concessionária, frisando que a licença apenas será retirada em casos de reincidência repetida e situações muito graves



The importance of the gaming sector to Macau’s economy justifies the increased powers granted to the SAR’s Chief Executive in the new gaming law bill to regulate the industry, the head of the Legislative Assembly committee currently scrutinising the law said today (Thursday).

The proposed gaming law amendment provides the Macau CE with vast discretionary powers to unilaterally revoke gaming concessions in several instances of breaches to national security and other administrative sanctions, such as failure to communicate major financial decisions or in fulfilling other contractual obligations.“In my opinion, this is a special law. The gaming sector is extremely important to Macau, considering the number of job positions. Taking into account the changes in the worldwide situation and the concerns surrounding national security I think it is proper to give more powers to the CE,” legislator and committee chairman, Chan Chak Mo said today.



Macao’s gaming promoters will only be allowed to hire local residents under a future law regulating the city’s junket sector, lawmaker Andrew Chan Chak Mo, who chairs the Legislative Assembly’s 2nd Standing Committee, said yesterday. 

Speaking after yesterday’s closed-door meeting reviewing the bill with government officials, Chan said that he expects the first article-by-article review of the bill to be completed after just one more meeting with the officials. 



Any player sub-agents wishing to work with Macau junkets will need to have Macau ID, affirmed on Thursday veteran local legislator, Chan Chak Mo, citing talks with government officials. In this context, “ID” would usually mean being a permanent resident of Macau, though Mr Chan noted that still had to be clarified.

The condition had been made a requirement at “some point” earlier this year, said Mr Chan. The city’s gaming regulator didn’t clarify to the legislators when, or by what method, the requirement had been introduced, according to Mr Chan.



The Macau government has no plan, for now, to adjust the commission rate for VIP junkets, currently capped at 1.25 percent for rolling chip turnover, said on Tuesday veteran legislator Chan Chak Mo, citing consultation with officials, after a closed-door meeting.

Mr Chan heads a committee scrutinising the draft bill on the city’s gaming law amendment.

In a briefing for the media after the meeting, Mr Chan said some legislators present at the meeting asked whether the government could raise the commission rate limit for junket play.



Os deputados Ella Lei e Leong Sun Iok divulgaram ontem um comunicado em que se mostram confiantes num bom Regime Jurídico da Exploração de Jogos de Fortuna ou Azar, em revisão na da Assembleia Legislativa (AL), acreditando, ainda assim, que alguns dos conteúdos precisam de ser melhorados, especialmente aqueles que se referem “à protecção do emprego” dos trabalhadores do sector, o “processo de atribuição das licenças de jogo”, bem como “a necessidade de assegurar que as concessionárias cumpram com a sua responsabilidade social”. O novo articulado, consideram os parlamentares da Federação das Associações dos Operários de Macau (FAOM), está a deixar a comunidade “preocupada”. “Principalmente com o seu conteúdo, nomeadamente no que se refere à protecção da segurança nacional e regional, o período de tempo e número de concessões, o local de funcionamento dos jogos de casino, a protecção dos trabalhadores e as disposições transitórias.”



Macau casino concessionaires could in future be fined up to MOP5 million (US$620,400) if they fail to inform an incumbent Macau chief executive about any “major financial decision” that carried a value “higher than” the total investment input already pledged in their applicable concession contracts, according to the draft bill on the city’s gaming law amendment.

The information was shared with the media on Tuesday by local legislator Chan Chak Mo, who heads a Legislative Assembly committee scrutinising the draft bill.

GGRAsia asked Mr Chan at that occasion – just after a closed-doors meeting at the assembly building, between the committee and government officials – whether such an obligation to inform a chief executive would cover any wish by a concessionaire to pay a dividend to shareholders. Mr Chan said the government had not mentioned that issue in this particular context


Lawmaker Andrew Chan Chak Mo, who chairs the Legislative Assembly’s 2nd Standing Committee, said yesterday that the contribution rate allocated from the gross gaming revenue (GGR) of the city’s future gaming concessionaires will remain unchanged, adding that the concessionaires will have to get the green light from the chief executive before taking any major financial decisionsSpeaking after yesterday’s closed-door meeting reviewing the city’s gaming amendment bill with government officials, Chan said that the meeting mainly focused on the obligations of the future gaming concessionaires.  https://macaonews.org/gaming/no-changes-planned-for-macao-gaming-operators-financial-contributions-in-new-bill/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=16+March+Daily+Read+%F0%9F%97%9E%EF%B8%8F&utm_campaign=20220316_Daily+Newsletter


O Governo não tem intenções de obrigar os administradores-delegados das concessionárias a terem nacionalidade chinesa. A garantia foi deixada nas reuniões com os deputados no âmbito dos trabalhos de análise da nova Lei do Jogo na especialidade. O tema tinha sido levado para a 2.ª Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Legislativa por um dos deputados, que defendia que os delegados deveriam ser obrigados a ter nacionalidade chinesa. No entanto, os representantes do Executivo consideram que tal não é necessário. “A lei não faz exigências de nacionalidade, só exige que o administrador-delegado tem de ser residente permanente”, esclareceu o presidente da comissão, Chan Chak Mo, citando a posição do Executivo. “Segundo o Governo, por enquanto, basta ser residente permanente”, reiterou. Chan Chak Mo esclareceu ainda que “o administrador-delegado” vai assumir “o papel de ligação entre a concessionária e o Governo”, e ser residente é tido como um requisito “suficiente” pelos membros da comissão permanente. Segundo os legisladores, o principal é mesmo que o delegado tenha como residência habitual a RAEM, para poder fazer a ligação entre as empresas do jogo e o Executivo. https://hojemacau.com.mo/2022/03/14/jogo-recusada-obrigatoriedade-de-administradores-delegados-chineses/


One of the most frequent questions from Macau gaming operators about the future regulation of the city’s casino industry, was how the operators could reasonably have “joint liability” – alongside junkets – for the activities of so-called player sub-agents, when the operators themselves have no direct dealings with the sub-agents.

The issue was mentioned on Friday by local legislator Chan Chak Mo. He heads a Macau Legislative Assembly committee tasked with scrutinising a bill to update the overall regulatory framework of the city’s casino industry, as the city’s authorities prepare for a new public tender for Macau gaming rights.

Whether the junkets and sub-agents system will even operate in Macau on the scale it used to, is yet to be demonstrated. But in the meantime, casino operators are looking for guidance to ensure they can work in compliance with an updated regulatory system.

Legislator Mr Chan sought to offer some assistance, by saying on Friday that from his understanding, the government wanted to clarify such matters.

His committee has received respective opinions from all six Macau casino concessionaires on the draft gaming law amendment, Mr Chan told reporters following a closed-doors committee meeting with government representatives on Friday.



O presidente da 2.ª Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Legislativa, Chan Chak Mo, levantou a hipótese de muitos deputados estarem preocupados com a proibição dos casinos-satélite devido a “interesses particulares”. A declaração foi feita ontem, no final da reunião com o Governo para discutir a proposta de lei. Depois de duas horas e meia de reunião sobre um dos assuntos mais polémicos do diploma, o presidente da comissão foi questionado sobre o interesse no assunto e o facto de o debate sobre um único artigo se ter arrastado por tanto tempo. Na resposta, Chan Chak Mo colocou a hipótese de “muitos dos deputados que fazem perguntas” terem “interesses particulares” na matéria. “Os deputados fazem muitas vezes essas perguntas [sobre os casinos-satélite] porque talvez tenham interesses particulares, como, por exemplo, trabalharem para bancos que fizeram créditos a essas empresas ou outros”, justificou Chan Chak Mo. O presidente reconheceu ainda que o andamento dos trabalhos no encontro de ontem “não foi satisfatório”. https://hojemacau.com.mo/2022/03/08/jogo-interesses-particulares-colocam-lei-sob-maior-escrutinio/


how the operators could reasonably have “joint liability” – alongside junkets – for the activities of so-called player sub-agents, when the operators themselves have no direct dealings with the sub-agents.

The issue was mentioned on Friday by local legislator Chan Chak Mo. He heads a Macau Legislative Assembly committee tasked with scrutinising a bill to update the overall regulatory framework of the city’s casino industry, as the city’s authorities prepare for a new public tender for Macau gaming rights.

Whether the junkets and sub-agents system will even operate in Macau on the scale it used to, is yet to be demonstrated. But in the meantime, casino operators are looking for guidance to ensure they can work in compliance with an updated regulatory system.

Legislator Mr Chan sought to offer some assistance, by saying on Friday that from his understanding, the government wanted to clarify such matters.



Macau’s Legislative Assembly (pictured in a plenary session) aims to approve by mid-August a new law for junkets, noted veteran legislator Chan Chak Mo, in Thursday comments to local media.

“The new law will spell out the definitions of junkets, management companies and collaborators as well as the scope of businesses that they are authorised to operate,” said Mr Chan, following a closed-door meeting between an assembly committee he heads and government delegates.

Junkets, referred to by the Macau authorities as gaming promoters, have typically been the go-betweens between rich players – mostly from China – and casino operators, for VIP gambling in the Macau market.



The Chief Executive (CE) can revoke gambling licenses for the reason of violating national security without going through judicial procedures, president of the second standing committee of Legislative Assembly (AL), Chan Chak Mo said today (Friday). The draft of the much-expected gaming law bill was approved at first reading by the AL in January and sent for panel review, with the second standing committee in charge of going over the bill today to discuss the first three articles in the draft. https://www.macaubusiness.com/ce-can-revoke-gambling-license-without-judicial-process-if-operator-violates-national-security-al-committee/

Macau lawmaker Andrew Chan Chak Mo says that the gaming industry amendment bill will give powers to the government to put a maximum cap on gaming tables and slot machines, as well as reducing individual table numbers and slot machines for concessionaires based on their usage.  https://agbrief.com/news/macau/09/03/2022/macau-government-to-have-power-to-reduce-gaming-tables-or-slot-numbers/?utm_source=Asia+Gaming+Brief&utm_campaign=895c00e2e4-&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_51950b5d21-895c00e2e4-69255637&ct=t()&goal=0_51950b5d21-895c00e2e4-69255637


A 2.ª Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Legislativa discutiu ontem a nova lei do jogo na especialidade com representantes do Governo pela primeira vez. No total, 22 deputados participaram na reunião, sendo que 11 deles não pertencem à mesma comissão.

A questão dos casinos-satélite continuou a merecer a atenção dos deputados. Segundo o deputado que preside à comissão, Chan Chak Mo, existem actualmente 22 casinos-satélite no território, e o registo de propriedade horizontal não tem de ser necessariamente a totalidade de bens imóveis, sendo também considerado aceitável a aquisição de uma quota idêntica à área em que ocupam. Chan Chak Mo frisou que a lei não prevê a quota mínima detida por casinos-satélite, que varia dependendo da dimensão de cada um. Além disso, o deputado revelou que até agora a comissão recebeu sete pareceres, três dos quais das concessionárias de jogo, enquanto as restantes são de residentes, advogados, especialistas e académicos.


The Macau government has given further information on how the city’s so-called “satellite” casino-hotels should tie the ownership of their respective gaming venues to one of the next generation of Macau gaming concessions, as required by the new regulatory framework for casino gaming, said legislator Chan Chak Mo on Thursday.

He was briefing the local media after a Legislative Assembly committee he heads – and which is scrutinising the government’s gaming law amendment bill – had met with government officials on Thursday.

Macau satellites are venues controlled by independent investors, but which have piggybacked currently on the gaming licence of one of the existing concessionaires. Satellites can still exist under the proposed new regulatory system, but they will each be given a three-year grace period to tie the ownership of their gaming premises to any of the city’s six concessionaires, the bill stated.


Chan said there were 22 satellite casinos in Macau, although there remains some confusion in this regard too given it has generally been understood that there are only 18 true satellite casinos in Macau – 14 of them under the licenses of SJM Resorts, three under Galaxy Entertainment Group and one under Melco Resorts & Entertainment. Among the additional properties that Choi is believed to be referring to is Studio City, of which Melco holds an indirect majority stake.

Melco Resorts Chairman and CEO Lawrence Ho was asked about the property, currently in the midst of a US$1.2 billion expansion, during this week’s 4Q21 earnings call but was emphatic in stating, “We’ve never looked at Studio City as a satellite casino considering Melco Resorts holds the majority of the ownership of Studio City, and we believe that the gaming law revision also doesn’t see Studio City as a satellite casino.

“Of course, the gaming law has so far been an expedited, fair and reasonable process, but we are still seeking a lot of clarification from the government before the law gets approved in the AL sometime in June, so we’ll be working with the government on that front.”

Whichever classification the AL settles on, the government will provide a three-year grace period for satellite casino operators to find a resolution with Chan confirming that this grace period would begin from the date the new gaming concessions begin.



José Pereira Coutinho criticou a forma como Chan Chak Mo está a conduzir os trabalhos de análise da lei do jogo, na 2.ª Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Legislativa, e está preocupado com a qualidade do futuro diploma.

“Estou decepcionado porque ainda não analisámos na especialidade a lei artigo a artigo. No entanto, o presidente da 2ª Comissão Permanente já deu por encerrados os trabalhos da primeira análise”, queixou-se Pereira Coutinho.

O legislador questionou ainda o pouco envolvimento dos deputados: “Os trabalhos começaram a partir de documento com uma análise e comentários à própria lei. Esse documento nem foi feito pelos deputados, que nunca foram questionados sobre diploma”, revelou Coutinho.

“Aquele documento para a primeira análise caiu do céu, feito pela assessoria e só tem umas linhas gerais, sem entrar em detalhes”, sublinhou. “Estou decepcionado com a condução dos trabalhos da comissão. Não é assim que se trabalha em sede de especialidade”, desabafou.




A  associação Iniciativa de Desenvolvimento Comunitário entregou ontem uma carta à comissão da  Assembleia Legislativa que está a analisar na especialidade  a  lei do  jogo.  Au  Kam  San,  ex-deputado e  vice-presidente da associação,  defende  que  é  preciso  clarificar  os  motivos  ligados  à  segurança nacional que podem determinar o fim das concessões



Os deputados ligados aos “Operários” têm marcado presença assídua nas reuniões na especialidade sobre a revisão da lei do jogo porque estão preocupados com a subsistência de um elevado número de trabalhadores do sector e entendem ser “prioritário” dar-lhes garantias na nova lei, frisou Lam Lon Wai, deputado e vice-presidente da FAOM, ao Jornal TRIBUNA DE MACAU. Segundo adiantou, foi submetida ao Governo uma lista com mais de 100 perguntas sobre o diploma, incluindo duas sugestões da FAOM – para as operadoras absorverem pessoal dos casinos-satélites e criarem um fundo que indemnize os trabalhadores em caso de falência ou perda da licença. Por outro lado, refutou críticas de José Pereira Coutinho sobre o modo como a proposta tem sido discutida na especialidade https://jtm.com.mo/local/faom-quer-promessa-governo-sobre-trabalhadores-jogo/


Au Kam San questionou, nas redes sociais, a continuação dos casinos-satélite, após a implementação da nova lei do jogo. Para o ex-deputado, o contexto de redução do jogo VIP e dos promotores de jogo deixa pouca margem de manobra para as operações destes espaços. https://hojemacau.com.mo/2022/02/21/lei-do-jogo-au-kam-san-preocupado-com-subsistencia-de-casinos-satelite/



Some members of Macau’s Legislative Assembly have requested the government to clarify a clause in the gaming law amendment bill concerning what would constitute endangerment to national security. The bill states that the Macau government has the right to terminate a concessionaire’s contract for reasons including threats to national security, public interest, or breaching of its contractual obligations.

The information was disclosed to reporters on Thursday by Chan Chak Mo, president of a Legislative Assembly committee that is tasked with examining the bill. The committee has, since Monday, met for four consecutive days to discuss the content of the document



Terminou ontem a última discussão interna na 2ª Comissão Permanente da AL sobre a proposta da lei do jogo, sendo que a próxima reunião vai contar com a presença de representantes do Governo. O presidente da Comissão, Chan Chak Mo, revelou que ontem os deputados pediram para que sejam esclarecidos vários pormenores relacionados com a rescisão de contrato de concessão de jogo. Por exemplo, querem saber quais são os critérios para considerar que uma operadora de jogo viola a segurança nacional e da RAEM, e como deve ser cumprida a responsabilidade colectiva no caso da dissolução da concessionária



Lawmakers examining the bill proposing changes to Macao’s gaming laws are seeking clarification from the government concerning what would constitute endangerment of national security, which could cause a gaming concession licence to be revoked. According to Chan, committee members said that the bill has a “simple” wording as far as the government’s power is concerned to revoke a gaming concession for allegedly “endangering” national security, meaning that the bill does not specify what constitutes the “endangerment” of national security. Chan said that some of the members asked whether the government would only revoke a gaming concession if the concessionaire was confirmed to have violated Macao’s national security law, or if it would revoke the concession if the government concludes that the respective gaming operator has merely shown signs of endangering national security. https://macaonews.org/gaming/lawmakers-query-scope-of-national-security-clause-in-draft-gaming-bill/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=18+February+Daily+Read+%F0%9F%97%9E%EF%B8%8F&utm_campaign=20220218_Daily+Newsletter


Os deputados da 2ª Comissão Permanente da AL estão preocupados com o futuro dos trabalhadores no caso das concessionárias de jogo nas quais trabalhem não consigam novas licenças. Querem ainda saber quais os índices de cumprimento das responsabilidades sociais



Concessionárias terão que comprar os casinos satélite no final das concessões. No final da reunião, Chan Chak Mo admitiu que a questão em torno dos casinos satélite voltou a dominar a agenda dos deputados, que se mostraram preocupados quanto ao futuro dos trabalhadores destes estabelecimentos caso haja uma falência. Questionado sobre as responsabilidades do Governo e das operadoras em relação aos casinos satélite, Chan Chak Mo assinalou que nos contratos assinados em 2002 já estava previsto que as concessionárias tinham de ser os titulares de propriedade dos imóveis onde estão actualmente os casinos-satélite. https://www.plataformamedia.com/2022/02/16/concessionarias-tem-que-comprar-casinos-satelite-ate-ao-final-do-contrato/


Novos jogos

A reunião de ontem serviu assim para concluir a discussão de alguns assuntos que Chan Chak Mo afirmou serem de “generalidade” e entrar no debate sobre o texto proposto.

Nesta fase da discussão, os deputados focaram as atenções na autorização para as concessionárias explorarem novos jogos de casino. “Actualmente, há 24 tipos de jogos que podem ser explorados pelas concessionárias. E se surgir um novo jogo? Será que todas as concessionárias têm de fazer um pedido individual para poder explorá-lo? Ou a partir do momento que uma concessionária faz o pedido, todas podem explorar esse jogo?”, questionou o presidente da comissão. “A resposta a esta pergunta não é clara, por isso queremos perguntar ao Governo como encarar esta parte da lei”, justificou. https://hojemacau.com.mo/2022/02/16/casinos-satelite-futuro-de-trabalhadores-preocupa-deputados/


Lawmakers have continued to discuss the issue of satellite casinos while examining the draft bill of Macao’s new gaming law, Chan Chak Mo, who chairs the Legislative Assembly’s 2nd Standing Committee, said yesterday.

Speaking after the committee’s second meeting this week, Chan reaffirmed that “all questions” about satellite casinos have been raised by the committee members during the two meetings, which will be answered by government officials in a meeting expected to be held early next month, after the committee members’ thorough review of the bill.

The purpose of a joint and several, or several, liability clause is to make clear whether the parties have a joint obligation or have individual promises to perform acts or obligations.Chan underlined that the committee has been collecting opinions about the bill. According to Chan, the committee has so far received comments from one of Macao’s six gaming operators and one resident. The concessionaire, which Chan did not identify, commented on how certain rules in the bill will be enforced, such as casino operators’ shares, listing status, reviews of shareholders’ eligibility, and the issue of joint and several liability, while the resident signalled agreement with  the government’s tighter controls on the gaming industry.

Concerning the satellite casino issue, Chan said that during yesterday’s meeting, the committee members raised concerns over the impact of the possible closure of satellite casinos on the affected hotels’ operations and the employment of casino workers.

The bill proposes that all casinos must be situated in real estate owned by the concessionaires. It also proposes that gaming operators’ so-called “satellite casinos” housed in buildings that they don’t own will be given a transition period of three years to regularise their situation, provided that their operators are among the winners of the upcoming bidding process.

According to Chan, some of the committee members questioned whether the proposed three-year transition period will be sufficient for the future – up to six – concessionaires to regularise the satellite casino issue.



Macau’s Legislative Assembly (pictured) is expected to give a final reading to the gaming law amendment bill by June 26 this year, also the date of the expiry of the city’s six gaming concessions, noted on Monday, legislator Chan Chak Mo, the head of an assembly sub-committee tasked with examining the bill. If so, the government might be able – on a concurrent basis – to start the documentation work required for the gaming-concession retender process. https://www.ggrasia.com/macau-gaming-bill-final-read-maybe-in-june-legislator/

The president of the second standing committee of the Macao Legislative Assembly, Chan Chak Mo, said that given “special circumstances”, the government should extend the gaming concessionaires’ contracts for another year.  https://macaonews.org/gaming/chan-chak-mo-says-gov-should-extend-gaming-concessionaires-contracts-for-another-year/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=15+February+Daily+Read+%F0%9F%97%9E%EF%B8%8F&utm_campaign=20220215_Daily+Newsletter 

According to the committee’s president, legislator Chan Chak Mo, some committee members asked the government to clarify later how many satellite casinos will be able to operate legally after the amendment is enforced. Chan also noted that the provisions mandating that casinos must be set under the property of the approved concessionaires were already stipulated in the concession contracts 20 years ago, with the amendment only adding the three-year transitional period. https://www.macaubusiness.com/gaming-law-amendment-bill-sent-for-final-voting-before-concessions-expiry-deadline-committee/


As licenças das operadoras de jogo prolongam-se até Julho deste ano. A 2.ª Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Legislativa quer que o Governo considere e defina mais detalhes na especialidade, por exemplo, o requisito de patriotismo e nacionalidade do administrador-delegado. Chan Chak Mo, presidente da comissão, reiterou que o contrato para a exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar ou outros jogos em casino deve ser cumprido e a questão referente aos casinos-satélite deve ser tratada de acordo com as disposições previstas no que foi celebrado há duas décadas.



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