



Robert Goldstein, the boss of casino group Las Vegas Sands Corp, hinted on Wednesday that all six Macau casino operators would get fresh rights in that market, after the current ones expire this year. He had been asked about whether he had any concerns about the firm’s future in Macau, including proposed regulatory changes under the city’s gaming law amendment.

Mr Goldstein, chairman and chief executive of Las Vegas Sands, parent of Macao operator Sands China Ltd, replied: “I don’t think we should be concerned about the nuance of the gaming law. If anything, it’s getting better for the operators. I think it’s very favourable, and we shouldn’t complain. Everyone gets a [new] licence; life goes on.”

“The licence issue – which was a big issue a year or two ago – it’s much more comfortable today for all us – for every licensee,” he added.


The CEO of Wynn Resorts stated in an interview with Bloomberg that the gaming and tourism group intends to build more hotel rooms in the Macau SAR, with plans understudy for developing sports facilities, art and cultural attractions, or even rooms designed to encourage medical tourism.

In the interview, Craig Billings noted that the group intends to expand into new businesses and focus on younger, affluent guests, including people who don’t gamble as it changes course from that established by former CEO, Steve Wynn. 



The CEOs of several U.S.-based casino resort companies shifted tones in recent weeks in a sign they aren’t putting all their eggs in one basket when it comes to Asia. 

The Chinese special administrative region of Macau overtook Las Vegas as the world’s largest casino gaming market in terms of revenue in 2006. Major American casino resort companies like MGM Resorts, Las Vegas Sands, and Wynn Resorts have all pumped billions into developing mega-resorts in the city to appeal to the highly lucrative Asian casino business. Las Vegas Sands’ $6.25 billion Venetian and Sands Expo and Convention Center sale in Nevada is to focus on growth in Asian markets like Macau. 

But a string of pandemic setbacks in the region appears to have many of these companies looking elsewhere in Asia for a growth story to tell amid China’s more stringent coronavirus mitigation policies


MGM China has also suspended operations with its primary VIP gaming promoters since December, 2021, MGM Resorts indicated in the annual report for the previous year. “We have focused our business on main floor gaming operations and, accordingly, we do not expect VIP gaming operations to be a significant source of revenue in future years. The majority of MGM China’s casino revenue has been provided by main floor gaming operations in recent years and we expect this customer base will be the primary source of growth in the future,” the parent company noted in a filing with the US securities exchange commission.


“I think in the second half of this year, the gaming concession retender can start,” said the Galaxy Entertainment executive. “We also heard from the [Macau] government that the extension of the existing gaming concessions is also an option. So we will continue to liaise with the government to see what we need to do going forward,” he added. The casino firm was asked at Wednesday’s press conference whether it would “acquire” its existing “City Clubs” casinos. They are three gaming spaces – one inside the Rio Hotel, one inside the Waldo Hotel, and another inside the President Hotel, all properties on Macau peninsula. The hotels themselves are currently third-party-owned, but use Galaxy Entertainment’ gaming rights to run gaming, and are venues of a type known in Macau as “satellites”. Mr Lui said on Wednesday: “It is too early to say whether we would acquire” the City Clubs casinos.

Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) Vice Chairman Francis Lui Yiu Tung, has announced that the group had ceased all agreements with VIP junket operators.“At the moment we no longer have any business with junket operators or the VIP lounges,” Lui said following the announcement of the group’s 2021 results. 


A segunda reunião na 2ª Comissão da AL sobre a revisão da lei do jogo voltou a ser marcada pelos “casinos-satélite”, com vários deputados a deixarem sugestões, incluindo dar uma licença de jogo a cada casino-satélite ou uma colectiva, assim como prolongar o prazo de transição até cinco ou seis anos. Chan Chak Mo salientou que as opiniões dos deputados sobre os casinos-satélite já são “suficientes”, pelo que as próximas reuniões vão focar-se noutros conteúdos. O presidente da Comissão revelou ainda terem sido submetidas duas cartas de opinião sobre a revisão da lei do jogo, incluindo de uma concessionária, que pediu clarificações sobre a execução de algumas cláusulas (...) A outra carta foi enviada por uma concessionária de jogo, que expressou dúvidas relativamente à execução de algumas cláusulas que têm que ver principalmente com as acções da operadora, a posição de ser listada, a verificação dos accionistas e a questão de responsabilidade colectiva. A Comissão não identificou a operadora de jogo que submeteu o documento.


The owner of the Studio City casino resort in Macau says it may have to transfer ownership of the physical casino premises (pictured) to the gaming operator, currently a unit of Melco Resorts and Entertainment Ltd, due to a proposed change to Macau gaming law.

Studio City International Holdings Ltd highlighted the issue in a Monday filing in the United States. The company is majority-owned by Melco Resorts, but there are minority outside investors that control more than 38 percent of Studio City International, according to corporate information.

Studio City International stated: “At present, we, and not the gaming operator, own the premises of Studio City casino.”

The provision of the proposed new gaming law requiring a Macau-licensed operator to own a casino premises has been viewed by a number of commentators on Macau gaming law as being primarily aimed at the city’s small-scale, so-called “satellite” venues. They are controlled by third parties, but make use – via a services agreement – of an existing Macau licensee’s rights.



Macau casino concessionaire Sands China says it broadly supports a planned amendment to Macau’s gaming law that could see operators lose gaming tables or electronic gaming machines (EGMs) if they fail to meet annual revenue targets. Asked specifically about this amendment during Las Vegas Sands’ 4Q21 earnings call on Thursday morning (Asia time), Sands China COO and Executive Director Grant Chum said the company “welcomes the direction of linking table allocation with productivity,” adding, “In general, we’ve always efficiently used our table allocation.” While Sands China was careful not to address other specific aspects of the draft bill, noting that it remains a work in progress, Chum also praised the government’s efforts in expediting preparations for license re-tendering in recent months. “I think the key aspects of the legislation have been laid out in terms of the number of concessionaires and the duration of the future concession although there are a lot of aspects that continue to be worked out through the legislature,” he said. “It has passed the first stage of the Assembly and is now moving to the committee stage. “It’s still in draft form but we appreciate the progress that has been made so efficiently and so rapidly since the public consultation – only a short four months since that time and we are already going into the committee with the draft. The government has done an outstanding job in getting us to this stage so quickly with a lot of preparatory work being clarified. But it’s still draft legislation and we await the outcome in the coming months. I think we need to wait for further details in terms of the finer form that the amendments will take.”


A “Macau Legend” irá “tentar com certeza” conquistar uma licença do jogo se o Governo “conceder oportunidades” para as empresas locais participarem no respectivo concurso, reiterou ontem Melinda Chan, directora executiva do grupo e presidente da “Macau Fisherman’s Wharf”, em declarações aos jornalistas. Questionada sobre a proposta de revisão da lei do jogo, que será debatida na Assembleia Legislativa (AL) na segunda-feira, Melinda Chan ressalvou que precisa de mais tempo para analisar os novos artigos, porém, concorda com o facto do documento estipular que as operadoras devem salvaguardar a segurança do Estado e de Macau. Na sua perspectiva, além dos factores económicos, as autoridades terão em conta questões políticas e apoiarão as empresas locais “patrióticas”. Referindo que a sociedade em geral é favorável a um máximo de seis concessionárias, para garantir o emprego dos residentes, Melinda Chan disse estar atenta ao futuro dos “casinos satélite”. Instando o Governo a respeitar a história desses espaços de jogo, frisou que, em torno dos “casinos satélite”, há muitas pequenas e médias empresas com um grande número de trabalhadores. Por isso, se esses casinos fechassem, a subsistência de muitos residentes seria colocada em causa, alertou. Contudo, a antiga deputada acredita que o Governo e a AL vão prestar atenção a esta situação.

Macau Legend, , which owns and operates a casino resort in Macau, said its chief executive resigned on Monday after he was arrested and detained by police in the world's biggest gambling hub, sending shares down 19% to a record low.


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