O que diz o Governo


The gaming concessionaires have been complying with the investment plans and social responsibility commitments stipulated in the contracts, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) said in a reply to a written question put forth by lawmaker Leong Sun Iok, public broadcaster TDM reported.

The reply penned by DICJ director Adriano Marques Ho states that gaming companies have been carrying out social responsibility activities specified in the concession contracts in areas such as culture, sports, scientific research, and support for local SMEs.

“It has been found that concessionaires are orderly carrying out and implementing various investment plans according to the approved arrangements,” the gaming watchdog stresses.

In his written query, Leong Sun Iok noted that under the new gaming law, one of the criteria for concession relates to the social responsibilities to be assumed by the gaming operators, with the respective content clearly defined. 



he Chief Executive of Macau, Ho Iat Seng, told the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday that the non-gaming investment programs of Macau’s six concessionaires would not be effective immediately, and appealed to the community to give them time to do so.

During a question-and-answer session on the government’s 2024 Policy Address held at the Macau Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, Councilor Ron Lam asked about the status of the non-gaming investment plans of the concessionaires.

In response, Ho Iat said, “The revitalization of old districts and other non-gaming investment projects of the grantee companies need to be tried and tested.

“The investment programs will not be successful in a few months, the whole program will take up to 10 years.”

The Chief Executive added that each program would require constant adjustments and that many of the investments would be new endeavors.

“Neither the government nor the concessionaires has ever tried these projects before, and if no one has tried them before, we might as well give them a year or two to try them out … concerts, sea tours and so on,” he said.

“Why did [Korean girl group] BLACKPINK come to Macau? Why did the [Hong Kong group] Four Heavenly Kings come to Macau? It’s because concessionaires have to try, and they have to find out which way is more suitable for Macau.

“It’s impossible to make changes in one year, it’s not realistic, so we have to let the grantees try. Madame Curie had to try many times before she succeeded.”

Ho added, “There are not many companies in Macau that can co-ordinate a shopping center, but [the concessionaires] do, and they know what will attract people. As investors, they have to wait and see what happens, and they need time to keep an eye on the market.

“We are now letting them try boldly, because we won’t know the result until we try.”



Os apoios das concessionárias às Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME) estão a ser desviados para apoiar os projectos do Governo de revitalização da cidade. A hipótese é colocada pelo deputado Ron Lam, que questiona o facto de quase um ano após a atribuição das novas concessões de jogo, apenas serem conhecidos os planos das concessionárias para financiar projectos do Governo.

No âmbito das novas concessões, as operadoras de jogo são obrigadas a apresentarem um plano sobre as actividades que vão apoiar no ano seguinte, no âmbito das exigências de responsabilidade social. O Executivo de Ho Iat Seng tem evitado tornar esses documentos públicos, sendo a informação inexistente.

No entanto, nas últimas semanas, foi anunciado pela secretária para os Assuntos Sociais e Cultura, Elsie Ao Ieong U, que as concessionárias vão ser responsáveis pelos projectos governativos de revitalização da zona da Barra, Rua da Felicidade, Ponte-Cais nº 23 e 25, no Porto Interior, a zona perto da Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro e Rua de 5 de Outubro, a zona da Fábrica de Panchões Iec Long e ainda a área dos Estaleiros Navais de Lai Chi Vun.



The Macau government will “closely monitor” the next generation of gaming concessionaires, regarding commitments that have been made in the current bidding process. This included the promise to “guarantee the employment rights of local residents” and to help the city diversify its economy, said Adriano Marques Ho, the head of Macau’s casino regulator, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau. He is also a member of the commission that is assessing the tender bids.



O Governo de Macau “seguirá rigorosamente as instruções do Governo Central” na atribuição das concessões para a exploração de jogo nos casinos da região, assegurou Ho Iat Seng, numa reunião com Zhao Haishan, vice-governador da província de Hubei, que aconteceu na terça-feira.

Segundo uma nota do Governo, o Chefe do Executivo frisou, ao responsável de Hubei, que Macau “está empenhado em promover a diversificação adequada da economia”, bem como “os trabalhos relativos ao concurso público para a atribuição das concessões para a exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar em casino, frisando que seguirá rigorosamente as instruções do Governo Central, no sentido de assegurar o desenvolvimento saudável e ordenado dos sectores de turismo e de entretenimento, com mais elementos não jogo e da indústria de convenções e exposições”. O objectivo é, lê-se no comunicado, “potenciar o posicionamento de Macau como Centro Mundial de Turismo e Lazer na Grande Baía de Guangdong, Hong Kong e Macau”.



However, Macau Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng admitted that most of the development of land set aside for integrated resort operations was already complete and now new land would be granted to any of the seven bidders, including GMM.

“The government will not grant any more gaming land and concessionaires can only develop on existing facilities. If a new company is awarded a gaming concession, it can then use the gaming facilities that the government has recovered from the old concession [under reversion agreements].

“The Gaming Law already stipulates that the gaming facilities are owned by the government, so it is believed concessionaires will not invest heavily in the future and will develop on their existing facilities.”



Macau’s casino concessionaires will face a hike in total gaming charges and levies paid to the Macau government of 1% of gross gaming revenue, impacting industry EBITDA by an estimated 4%, under changes to the gaming law agreed by the Second Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly (AL) on Wednesday.

In a note following publication of the final draft – which is expected to be passed by the AL next week – Credit Suisse observed a change in the language pertaining to gaming tax that would see the current 39% tax including levies and contributions rise to 40%.



Under the revised law, the additional duties that operators pay to support social programs was set at a flat 5 percent, whereas before the effective rate that was being paid was 4 percent. There is a caveat that a reduction of 5 percent is possible on the gross gambling revenue from non-Chinese tourists, but as Ben Lee of IGamiX Management & Consulting explains, that is unlikely to offset the rise given Macau’s poor track record in bringing in tourists from elsewhere.



The Portuguese-language radio service of Macau public broadcaster TDM reported on Tuesday – citing its own unnamed sources – that contracts would be signed with the Macau government on June 23 to extend, until December 31, the current concessions or sub-concessions of the six Macau casino operators.

They had been due to expire on June 26, but the city’s government had invited the operators to apply to extend them until the end of the calendar year, as the Macau authorities work to prepare a fresh public tender process.

By mid-March, all the operators had confirmed they had made such an application. The government asked for for certain guarantees in return for the six-month extension of the existing contracts.



Despite the gaming law changes most satellite casinos are expected o continue operating, Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng noted today (Monday), TDM Radio reported.

Speaking to the media after the opening ceremony of the Sac Pai Van Health Centre, Ho Iat Seng that he has been in communication with the sector, adding that the number of satellite casinos expected to close would not greatly impact the SARs unemployment rate.



Macau’s gaming law amendment bill is crucial to enhance regulatory standards, increase enforcement efforts, and ensure the support of the mainland China authorities, said on Tuesday the city’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng.

“We have not been executing our existing [gaming] law thoroughly. And now we hope that with this amendment, we can enhance the industry’s standards and do better,” stated Mr Ho.

The Chief Executive was speaking during a question-and-answer session (pictured) with members of the city’s Legislative Assembly.

The Macau government is proposing to reshape the gaming regulatory framework as the city prepares for a fresh public tender for Macau gaming rights, associated with the anticipated expiry of the current six concessions this year.

Mr Ho said Macau’s casino industry was currently facing one of its lowest points, but noted that was also a “chance” to rid the sector of its “problems”. That would be done by implementing fresh “criteria for a healthy development” of the casino industry, in order to “gain the support of the mainland” authorities, he added.


Macau’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, has described amendment to the city’s gaming law as vital in improving regulatory standards and earning the support of mainland China.

Ho attended the Legislative Assembly (AL) to answer questions raised by legislators on Tuesday, most of which revolved around the amended gaming law currently being discussed by the AL.



A lei apresentada ontem e que versa sobre as actividades dos agentes do sector é denominada “Regime da actividade de exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar em casino”. O nome é praticamente igual à lei que está a ser discutida na Assembleia Legislativa e que vai regular outros aspectos, como as condições das licenças de jogo. Neste último caso, o diploma denomina-se “Regime jurídico da exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar em casino”.mar22


Numa reunião da 2ª Comissão da AL sobre a revisão da lei do jogo, vários deputados sugeriram a extensão do prazo de transição dos casinos-satélite, de três para cinco anos. Apesar do Secretário para a Economia e Finanças não ter assumido uma posição concreta sobre o prolongamento do prazo, frisou que “não quer que os casinos-satélite fechem” e espera que estes “tenham margem para continuar a operar seguindo a lei”, revelou o presidente da comissão. Segundo Chan Chak Mo, Lei Wai Nong sublinhou ainda que “não quer que ninguém fique desempregado”. Chan Chak Mo estimou que a nova versão da proposta poderá ser submetida à comissão na segunda metade de Abril



A legislação sobre a promoção do jogo será aprovada até dia 15 de agosto pela atual Comissão Permanente da Assembleia Legislativa. Não há como negar a vontade do Governo em reforçar a regulamentação dos junkets no futuro, porém, detalhes sobre a forma como o sistema será regulado continuam por discutir. Lam Kai Kong, membro da indústria, afirma que caso o controlo seja extremamente rigoroso, poderá pôr em causa a vitalidade da indústria dos promotores de jogo. Carlos Lobo, advogado, compreende a pressa em redigir esta lei



O Governo afastou ontem uma eventual alteração ao tecto máximo das comissões pagas aos “junkets” pelas concessionárias de jogo, apesar de alguns deputados terem expressado receios sobre o impacto na competitividade do sector do jogo. Numa reunião para discutir a revisão da lei do jogo, o Governo afirmou ainda que não é possível aumentar as contribuições até 3% das receitas brutas do jogo para o desenvolvimento urbanístico, a promoção turística e a segurança social, uma vez que o valor de todos os impostos relacionados com os casinos já é muito alto em relação a jurisdições vizinhas


The Macau government has said its proposed formal cap on the number of casino tables and gaming machines was aimed at better controlling the scale of the local casino market. The comments were made by government officials during a Monday meeting of a Legislative Assembly committee that is scrutinising the gaming law amendment bill.

Legislator Chan Chak Mo was briefing the local media after the committee he heads had met with government officials.

Some of the committee’s members had raised questions on how frequently the Macau government would review the gaming table and slot machine cap it is proposing as part of gaming law amendment bill. The draft law is to be approved ahead of a fresh public tender for Macau gaming rights.


A lei de jogo vai ser discutida e aprovada na especialidade em plenário até 26 de Junho. Novas disposições foram introduzidas na proposta de lei que permitem ao Governo tomar a iniciativa de reduzir o número de mesas e máquinas de jogo no âmbito da concessão, incluindo as mesas de jogo que não são totalmente utilizadas ou cujas receitas brutas são inferiores ao definido. O diploma legal também prevê que o Chefe do Executivo determine o número total de mesas e máquinas de jogo através de despacho, sendo que o secretário para a Economia e Finanças irá posteriormente aprovar o pedido de cada casino.



Casino companies in Macau will have their licences extended by six months, public broadcaster TDM reported on Thursday, citing a city official, allowing more time for a highly anticipated rebidding process in the world's biggest casino hub.


 The Macau's government's goal is most certainly to run the tender process and finalize concession contracts by year-end so that another extension would not be necessary (although such an extension could be facilitated if required) and the industry can enter 2023 under the new concession regime. Vitaly 


Analysts consulted by Macau News Agency considered that the announced six-month extension to the local gaming concessions and sub-concessions was expected and should be enough to complete the gaming law revision and carry out the bidding process, but raised doubts that it will be sufficient for a truly international tender. After attending another Legislative Assembly (AL) standing committee meeting on the new gaming law amendment, Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong decided to announce that authorities intend to extend the current gaming concessions for an extra six months, taking the expected deadline of June 26 to December 31. https://www.macaubusiness.com/gaming-license-concession-extension-was-expected-and-provides-leeway-for-future-public-tender-analysts/

One question yet to be answered – publicly at least – is precisely how much the concessionaires will have to pay the Macau SAR government for the extension of their concessions from 26 June to 31 December 2022. Both MGM and SJM had to pay MOP$200 million (US$25 million) for their extensions from 31 March 2020 to 26 June 2022, equivalent to around MOP$89 million (US$11.1 million) per year. If the Macau government were to use the same basis, this would imply a fee of around MOP$45 million (US$5.6 million) for each concessionaire for the extension to the end of 2022.


As Macau’s six existing gaming concessions and subconcessions will expire by this June, André Cheong, spokesperson of the Executive Council and Secretary for Administration and Justice, said that if legislative amendment process of the gaming law revision is not completed by then, “the government is mulling to extend the licenses for a certain time period and the details will be announced in due course”. Mr Cheong was addressing the media at a press conference this afternoon (Friday) where the Executive Council announced the gaming law amendment proposal. Asked by the media several times about the timetable for the legislative work of the proposed amendments and the roll-out of the new public tender, the official just noted: “The Government will fully cooperate with the Legislative Assembly in reviewing and deliberating the proposed gaming law revision, and hopes that the law could be passed as soon as possible.” “All the works, regarding the gaming law revision and preparation for the new public tender, will be carried out in an orderly manner. If the current licenses have to be extended, [the extension] will only last for a short time period,” he said, adding either existing local gaming operators or new companies are welcome to join the new round of public tender.


government delegates to gaming operators

The proposed amendment to the gaming law unveiled today (Friday) has removed the controversial proposed clauses of introducing government delegates to gaming operators and a prior government approval required when operators distribute dividends to their shareholders. 

Both proposals were included in the consultation paper presented last September. 

The Macau authorities revealed the proposed amendments to the gaming law today (Friday), after the Executive Council — the Chief Executive’s top advisory body — has finished deliberation of the bill, following a 45-day consultation period in September and October. The bill will now be sent to the Legislative Assembly for discussion.

During the public consultation, the government had previously proposed that government delegates would be introduced to gaming operators to directly supervise the operation of the concessionaires, ensure the healthy development of the industry and the protection of public interest.

“After a thorough analysis on the opinions collected during the public consultation and a review of the gaming supervision mechanism in other jurisdictions, the SAR Government believes that although this approach could allow the Administration to have a better grasp of the information of the concessionaires it might cause interference in the daily operation and independence of the concessionaires,” André Cheong Weng Chon, spokesperson for the Executive Council and Secretary for Administration and Justice, said.


The Macao SAR Government appears determined to complete the re-tendering process for gaming concessions before current licenses expire next June, with the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wai Nong, stating details will be announced soon. Speaking to media following the Second plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for the Coordination of Social Affairs in 2021 on Monday, Lei said the government was working to finalize a report on the recent public consultation around proposed amendments to Macau’s gaming law as soon as possible. Details of the public tender for gaming concessions would be announced around the same time, he added. “The current gaming law was created 20 years ago and did not cover some issues,” he said. “We will adjust our regulations and take into account the opinions of society, including the gaming sector. “We are preparing the consultation report and the bill will advance according to the projected timeline. Then we will advance with other works.”


GAMING Macau’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng (pictured), gave non-committal answers to local media on Tuesday when quizzed about the possible refreshment of the city’s six gaming concessions, and the timetable to complete the review of the city’s gaming law. “We are now compiling the opinions collected during the public consultation period” regarding the amendment of the gaming law, said Mr Ho. “We need then to start the legislative process by submitting the bill to the Legislative Assembly,” he added. https://www.ggrasia.com/macau-ce-non-committal-on-gaming-concessions-future/ Macau’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, says the government will try to complete the re-tendering of gaming concessions by June 2022 but has left the door open to extend the current concession terms if requiredHis comments were made during a press conference late Tuesday following his 2022 Policy Address in which he outlined the government’s key initiatives and areas of focus for the year ahead. “If the legislative process (of gaming law amendment) cannot meet the due date, we could extend the current gaming concessions since we have the mechanism to allow us to do so,” Ho said. “Please do not worry, we will try to make [the deadline]. The aim of amending the gaming law is for the healthy development of the gaming industry in Macau. We will not make things difficult for gaming operators.” https://www.asgam.com/index.php/2021/11/17/macau-chief-executive-says-extension-of-current-gaming-concession-terms-an-option/ 


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