
Showing posts from December, 2024

Visita de Xi Jinping

 jan25 December’s  visit to Macau by China’s leader , Xi Jinping, probably helped to moderate the city’s gross gaming revenue (GGR) for that month, said several brokerages in Wednesday notes. The commentary followed the issuance that day of Macau’s December and full-year GGR. The year 2024 closed with December GGR of MOP18.20 billion (US$2.27 billion), down 1.3 percent compared with November’s  tally of MOP18.44 billion . The December figure was also down 2.0 percent from a year earlier, the only month of 2024 to post a decline in year-on-year terms. But Macau’s casino GGR for calendar year 2024  stood at MOP226.78 billion . The figure was up 23.9 percent year-on-year, according to data disclosed on Wednesday by the city’s casino regulator, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau. December was an “80 percent recovery versus pre-Covid, to conclude 2024 with a 77 percent recovery for the full year,” said analysts DS Kim, Mufan S...


 dec245 Gaming scion seeks to bet on e-sport hotel in Macau By   Aries Un Macau has the potential to weave e-sports into the fabric of the city’s hotel landscape, NIP Group chair Mario Ho has said. In a recent interview with CNBC International News, Ho revealed his intention to push for hotels dedicated to competitive video gaming. “I think the government is very supportive of sports and also … culture in Macau,” Ho said. “And e-sports is an integral part of that, being the most favourite and the most viewed sport for young people.” To illustrate e-sports’ popularity among the younger generation, the chairman of Macau e-Sports Federation mentioned the entry of a Macau squad to the 2022 Asian Games held in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, last year. It was when e-sports finally evolved to become a medal event from a demonstration in 2018 in Indonesia. The games were forced by the Covid pandemic to take place a year later than scheduled. “You’ll see a lot more Macau e...

Mais alterações legais

 Dec24 The landscape of Macau’s  gambling law  is poised for potential changes with the new administration, especially concerning the supply of gaming machines and compliance requirements, lawyers from law firm JNV – Lawyers and Notaries argued. According to a recent analysis of the Macau gambling market from  JNV law firm  to Legal 500 written by lawyers Jorge Neto Valente, André Santos Raquel, and Jessica Hon, further amendments and new regulations are expected. Valente – the founder of JNV – serves as Galaxy Entertainment Group’s Advisor and Galaxy Casino S.A.’s director, having served as President of the Macau Lawyers Association from 1995 to 2000 and from 2002 to 2022. ‘The last substantial change which intention had been publicly announced was enacted in October 2024 (Law no. 20/2024, on combating illegal gaming crimes). In any event, going forward, there may be amendments and new regulations at any time’, the legal analysis points out. Law No. 20/202...

"Macao is no longer primarily a gambling city"

 fev25 O sector do turismo em Macau tem mudado nos últimos anos e as visões dos próprios turistas também, encarando cada vez mais o território como um local onde se pode passear e desfrutar de zonas de lazer, e não tanto como uma terra de jogo . Esta é uma das conclusões da análise “Tourism as a Driver of China’s Cultural Soft Power: The Role of Macau and the Convergences Between the New Silk Road and the Greater Bay Area” [O Turismo como Motor do Soft Power Cultural da China: O Papel de Macau e as Convergências entre a Nova Rota da Seda e a Área da Grande Baía], da autoria de Pedro Steenhagen, da Universidade de Fudan, e Sofia Xiaoying Hou, ligada à Universidade de Estudos Internacionais de Xi’an. A análise à indústria do turismo na RAEM é um dos capítulos do livro “The Palgrave Handbook on China-Europe-Africa Relations”, recentemente editado. Desta forma, conclui-se que “a percepção da imagem de Macau por parte dos turistas tem vindo a mudar nos últimos 10 anos, sendo a RAEM cada...

entrevista Ben Lee Dez24 “Precisamos de algo grandioso”

Ben Lee, analista de jogo, sobre as novas concessões: “Precisamos de algo grandioso” Andreia Sofia Silva - 3 Dez 2024 O analista de jogo e consultor Ben Lee acredita que é preciso fazer muito mais para diversificar a economia de Macau para lá do jogo, sobretudo tendo em conta o tipo de eventos organizados ao abrigo das novas concessões. O analista acha que Macau poderia olhar para dois resorts no Vietname como exemplos a seguir para atrair turistas internacionais Que balanço faz dos dois anos de novas concessões de jogo? Ainda há muito trabalho a fazer. Pelo que pudemos ver até agora, as concessionárias concentraram-se em projectos mais ligeiros, como galerias de arte locais, eventos culturais, a realização de concertos e pequenas reabilitações de bairros culturais. Os grandes projectos, como o parque de diversões de alta tecnologia, o Conservatório ou novos hotéis ainda não foram vistos. Uma vez que já passaram dois dos dez anos [de concessão], e tendo em conta que a construção de ...