
Showing posts from April, 2024

" Macau will never again reach the peak it previously achieved"

ev25 Macao’s rapidly rebounding visitor numbers are not translating to growth in per-person gross gaming revenue (GGR) at the city’s casinos, according to financial research group CreditSights. A recent note from analysts Nicholas Chen and David Bussey,  cited  by Inside Asian Gaming, observed that per-person GGR may have passed its peak, partly due to the  collapse of the junket market . Junket operators specialise in bringing affluent VIP gamblers to the SAR, but a number of high-profile  criminal convictions  has been accompanied by  government crackdown  on the once-incredibly profitable segment of the gaming industry in recent years. Chen and Bussey also noted that visits from China’s more wealthy provinces – the likes of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin – had already recovered to their pre-Covid 19 numbers. “Any further visitation upside from mainland China would likely largely come from the other provinces with lower [...

Passa-se alguma coisa com a economia? (positivo e negativo)

out24 (sinais mistos) O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) reviu em baixa as previsões para o crescimento da economia de Macau este ano e no próximo, num relatório em que alertou para uma crise mais prolongada no imobiliário chinês. out24 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has lowered its forecast for Macau’s economic growth in 2024 by 3.3 percentage points, according to its World Economic Outlook report published on Tuesday. The institution now expects Macau’s gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 10.6 percent this year, down from a  previous estimate  of 13.9 percent made in May. Regarding 2025, the IMF expects Macau’s economic growth to reach 7.3 percent, down from a previous estimate of 9.6 percent. Macau’s GDP   grew by 15.7 percent   year-on-year in real terms in the first half of 2024, according to data from the city’s Statistics an...